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Backup Your Team With An IT Company

Does Your Internal IT Team Need Backup From An IT Company?

There’s no shame in needing a little extra help. It’s important that you realize the limitations of your internal IT staff, and how the right IT company will help them do what they do even better.

It can be difficult to ask for help.

Whether it’s finally getting out the instruction manual for the furniture you’re struggling to assemble or stopping to ask for directions when you’re lost, admitting you could use assistance can be frustrating.

But the fact is that it’s only natural. And the truly successful among us know the power of realizing one’s limitations and enlisting the right people and resources to pick up the slack. You can’t be a one-man army all the time; sometimes, you need backup.

The same is likely true of your internal IT staff. Do you think they could do with a little backup from an IT company?

Internal IT Is Limited – How Will An IT Company Help?

There are several factors that contribute to the limited nature of internal IT teams…

Internal IT Is Expensive: An IT technician will cost you somewhere between $45,000 – $71,000 per year. The range is dependent on how experienced the technician is, what types of certifications they have, etc.

But that’s not the only cost of an employee like this. This number fails to account for costs associated with employment, such as:

  • Health benefits
  • Sick pay
  • Vacation time
  • Annual payroll tax
  • Cost of initial and ongoing training
  • Space to work and resources to work with.

That’s not to mention whatever amount of time you’ll spend recruiting, interviewing, training, and managing this employee on an ongoing basis.

If you incur these types of costs for just a single internal IT employee, how can you expect to build a full team? It’s simply too expensive. That’s why so many businesses have a small IT team at most.

Internal IT Is Limited: For the most part, the technician you hire will only offer entry-level capabilities. That means that when they’re in over their head, or just simply out of time, you’ll need to outsource for more experience and more help anyway. That means that hiring one employee isn’t hiring just one employee.

In the end, an in-house staff is subject to business hours, requires full salaries, benefits, and vacation pay, and will undoubtedly call in sick from time to time. Furthermore, an in-house IT rep generally comes with one of two downsides: they’re either fulfilling that role in addition to their actual job, or they lack the resources to do more than just address day-to-day issues.

Why Should You Call An IT Company For Backup?

Cost-Effect: An average small business should expect to pay somewhere from $100 – $115 per device per month for a local IT company. Again, that cost can vary – but it can still come in much lower than the additional $65,000 per year you would spend on adding a single employee.
And it’s not just a difference in cost. A team of professionals offers specialties in a range of technologies, receive ongoing training and certifications, and have the means to go beyond basic monitoring and maintenance of your systems.
Furthermore, an IT department is available around-the-clock and compensated through your monthly flat rate. By outsourcing your IT department, you leave the managing, training, payment, and other variables that come with actual employees to someone else.

Experience & Skill: Consider the diversity of experience and skills you get from an IT company. An internal team will usually have limited skills due to limited experience. Working in a single organization with the same technology every day leads to solving the same types of problems.
Compare that to a local IT company, which sees new problems in different environments every single day. The range of experience they have to offer greatly outranks that of a limited internal team.

Call BC Networks For Backup

No matter whether your IT team is overworked or in over their heads, the solution is simple – get the extra help you need from a local IT company.

Don’t assume that this is just one step on the path towards getting rid of your IT team altogether. According to CompTIA, only 6% of businesses like yours that outsource their IT end up eliminating their entire internal IT presence.

Instead, you can augment your internal team with additional support from an external IT company. Don’t bother overworking your internal IT staff with an inordinate workload or tasks that are beyond their capability.

With a little help from a local IT company like BC Networks, you can better utilize your internal IT staff and develop a truly effective IT environment for your business.

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Dave Brewer

Dave Brewer

When it comes to IT services and solutions, it's crucial to have a knowledgeable and passionate partner who can help clients achieve sustainable growth using proven IT solutions. Our CEO, Dave, is deeply committed to assisting clients in enhancing their technology to gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries. At BC Networks, Dave Brewer leads a team of dedicated professionals who are focused on delivering outstanding IT services and solutions. With his vast expertise and practical experience, Dave ensures that clients receive top-notch support and guidance for their IT initiatives. You can rely on BC Networks to elevate your business systems and stay ahead in today's fiercely competitive business environment.