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NanoCore Trojan: Are You at Risk?
Are Your Business IT Assets at Risk From the NanoCore Trojan?
Concerned about the newest version of the NanoCore trojan virus? If you aren’t, you should be. Here’s a look at how this virus works and how it can impact you.
If you’ve been following the news recently, you may know that NanoCore Trojan has been a big issue lately. A new strain of the remote-access Trojan, it’s simple enough to use for even the least-experienced hacker to completely control your computer. How is this strain different from those that have been problematic in the past? How do you protect your computer and your IT assets against this new strain? Here’s a solid look at this new computer and network security threat.
NanoCore Trojan: Are You at Risk?
This new version of the NanoCore Trojan, v1.2.2, is especially a problem because it’s easily and freely available for download by hackers on the dark web. It’s very simple to deploy to Windows PCs, most commonly by phishing emails marked as “Urgent”. These emails typically contain falsified order invoice documentation that contain hidden malicious macro scripts. Though it’s well-known to many security researchers, it can also reach deeply into the Windows registry and your office network.
After the NanoCore Trojan has been deployed, the hackers who sent it can use it to shut down and restart your computer remotely. They can access the files, open your registry editor, control your mouse, open webpages on your computer and even add encrypted ransomware onto your computer. They can also disable the lights on your webcam, allowing them to covertly listen and watch everything you’re doing, leaving your entire life open should it end up on a laptop that you have a habit of leaving open or active. It also has the capability to steal your credit card information if you make purchases online, your passwords, personal information and sensitive business files.
NanoCore Trojan: What You Need To Know
Even though the new NanoCore Trojan must be downloaded to your computer to be effective against your system, often through users who are unaware of the process, it’s still highly recommended that you should update your Windows computer immediately to avoid its effects. You can very easily manage this using the Windows Update feature on your computer, with any number of online tutorials available to help if you’re not certain how to access that feature.
This version was first discovered by researchers in April 2019, and the heavy level of modification that it has incorporated has made it especially dangerous to Windows users. These modifications make it very easy to control the parameters of what the malware will do in your computer. It lowers the barriers that many amateur hackers face in their efforts, making it easier for them to explore the options they have available and causing a spike in hacking activity and malware issues for computer users everywhere.
The fast spread and popularity of the NanoCore Trojan v1.2.2 has taken place only a few short weeks since security experts discovered a different security issues that has shown up in the drivers and BIOS systems of newer Windows computers. Though some vendors have decided to take action in patching these vulnerabilities, but in systems where the vulnerabilities have not been fixed, these neophyte hackers may be able to leverage these flaws, especially in older Intel CPU computers running Windows.
What should you do if you’re not sure about your network and computer security? Windows 7 is on its way out, and is not currently receiving the most current updates, so if you’ve been considering updating your PC to a newer operating system, this is a great time to make the change. Windows 10 is more resilient, but still has two serious vulnerabilities, so it’s a good time to run an update to avoid getting the virus. It’s important to know that Windows 10 updates are now being delivered in twice-yearly updates. Notepad has a serious security issue that opens up Windows-based computers to hackers, so you may want to avoid running the program until a few more updates have occurred. Dell’s security bloatware has another vulnerability, so if you’re running a dell, update it as soon as possible.
The newest NanoCore Trojan is causing some serious issues in the computer world, but by taking a few precautions, you should be able to avoid the worst issues from this malware. Take a few minutes to update your computer’s operating system, antivirus and other security software to help limit your vulnerabilities. If you’d like a review of your computer system or network security, our experienced technicians can help. Please feel free to reach out today to get started.