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Manufacturers describing Cybersecurity For Manufacturing Firms

The Importance Of Cybersecurity For Manufacturing Firms

Cybersecurity For Manufacturing Firms

Digital has quickly replaced mechanical. In the last decade, manufacturing firms have noticed the change. More and more processes are digitized, allowing data to become the primary driver in many areas – that’s why cybersecurity for manufacturing firms is so important.

This is all a part of what’s known as “digital transformation”. What does that mean?

Digital transformation is one of the biggest buzz phrases going around the business community right now. In fact, two-thirds of CEOs plan to focus on digital transformation by the end of this year alone.

It’s simply the way the world is moving, and for good reason. The business workplace is being drastically altered by technology as each year goes by – if you don’t embrace it, then you’ll be left behind.

At its simplest, digital transformation is the initiative to use technology for better business outcomes. Data is the input for more and more equipment in the manufacturing world. Big data gathered in the course of production has vast value. Information has long been the lifeblood of the industry, and now it’s digital.

Are you doing what’s necessary to protect your manufacturing firm’s data? Have you invested in cybersecurity for manufacturing firms?

Do You Even Need Cybersecurity For Manufacturing Firms?

Is it possible for you to be too small to be a target for cybercriminals?

The news may lead you to believe so, but it’s simply not an accurate representation of the cybercrime industry.

The truth? In almost half of all the cyber breaches that have occurred in recent years, a small business was the target. As reported in Verizon’s Data Breach Report and Forbes

  • 58% of all breaches in 2018 involved small businesses.
  • 43% of all breaches involved small businesses in 2019.
  • Ransomware attacks are still going strong, accounting for 24% of the malware incidents analyzed and is the #2 most-used malware type.

“To a hacker, you’re just an IP address and all addresses get attacked with roughly the same frequency,” said Peter Adams, vice president of business strategy at Aldrich Technology, to Oregon Business. “Two thousand attacks per minute is average for our clients. It doesn’t matter the company. It’s automated, it’s not somebody.”

The fact is that your data has value. It doesn’t matter how big you are. Your small size often means that you’re easier to hack, because you don’t have the resources or experience needed to protect yourself. That’s why you should outsource your protection with cybersecurity for manufacturing firms.

Cybersecurity For Manufacturing Firms Trains Your Staff Too

A majority of cybersecurity technologies offered today include the best in vital software, from firewalls to anti-malware to data encryption and more. However, as important as this technology is, on its own, it simply isn’t enough.

The key to truly comprehensive cybersecurity is simple, yet often overlooked: the user.

A comprehensive cybersecurity training program will teach your manufacturing firm’s staff how to handle a range of potential situations:

  • How to identify and address suspicious emails, phishing attempts, social engineering tactics, and more.
  • How to use business technology without exposing data and other assets to external threats by accident.
  • How to respond when you suspect that an attack is occurring or has occurred.

Your staff can have a significant effect on your cybersecurity – either they know enough to keep your assets secure, or they don’t, and therefore present a serious threat to your security.

What’s The Key To Cybersecurity For Manufacturing Firms?

Invest in a little expert protection – BC Networks. We can put our big business cybersecurity expertise to work for you, implementing best practices, identifying vulnerabilities, and protecting you against the more common and dangerous cybercrime scams.

With BC Networks’ IT Cloud and Onsite Managed Services your organization can finally be its best. No more IT surprises – only efficient, reliable and secure running technology that empowers your people to efficiently achieve your goals.

If you’re looking for tech companies in San Jose to help you achieve your business goals, then let’s meet to discuss your objectives and see if we are a good fit. Email us at {email} to schedule your free consultation.

Dave Brewer

Dave Brewer

When it comes to IT services and solutions, it's crucial to have a knowledgeable and passionate partner who can help clients achieve sustainable growth using proven IT solutions. Our CEO, Dave, is deeply committed to assisting clients in enhancing their technology to gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries. At BC Networks, Dave Brewer leads a team of dedicated professionals who are focused on delivering outstanding IT services and solutions. With his vast expertise and practical experience, Dave ensures that clients receive top-notch support and guidance for their IT initiatives. You can rely on BC Networks to elevate your business systems and stay ahead in today's fiercely competitive business environment.