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Pinpoint Vulnerabilities in Your Cyber Security System

Pinpoint Vulnerabilities in Your Cyber Security System

Pinpoint Vulnerabilities in Your Cyber Security System With Microsoft Exchange

Although cyber security has likely been on your mind since you first added technology to your business, the types and severity of the potential security threats your business may face have evolved over the years. Older cyber security measures may no longer be sufficient to adequately protect your business, but Microsoft and many other major tech companies are working to develop new tools and strategies for mitigating security threats that are detected before they have the ability to affect your business, such as Microsoft Exchange. Here is an overview of what Microsoft Exchange is and how it can benefit your business!

What Is Microsoft Exchange?

Microsoft Exchange is the latest in the growing list of actions Microsoft has taken in an attempt to increase the overall level of security of its products. Although Microsoft makes every effort to locate and repair potential vulnerabilities with its services prior to releasing them, it also recognizes the fact that no technology is completely safe from data breaches and other types of cyber attacks. For this reason, the company has developed a product with the sole goal of locating and responding to security flaws that leave specific aspects of your Microsoft programs especially vulnerable to cyber threats and mitigating these vulnerabilities before potential threats have the opportunity to damage them.

Types of Microsoft Exchange Mitigations

Microsoft Exchange utilizes several distinct tactics to protect aspects of its products that are found to be vulnerable and mitigate potential damage to your computer or software. These actions are classified as IIS URL rewrite rule mitigation, exchange service mitigation, and app pool mitigation strategies. Each type of mitigation targets a specific type of vulnerability to provide the highest possible overall level of protection for your Microsoft technology. Although one of these processes can be enough to handle many types of situations, they can also be combined to provide more than one type of protection if a severe cyber threat requires it.

IIS URL Rewrite Rule Mitigation

IIS URL rewrite rule mitigation works by automatically blocking suspicious HTTP request patterns that may signal a malicious threat to your server.

Exchange Service Mitigation

Exchange service mitigation works by automatically disabling a particular service on an Exchange server after a vulnerability has been detected.

App Pool Mitigation

App pool mitigation works by automatically disabling a particular app pool on an Exchange server after a vulnerability has been detected.

Benefits of Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Exchange can provide a wide variety of benefits for your business. While many of these benefits are directly related to the overall security of your data, there are also several indirect benefits to your business that are associated with Microsoft Exchange. Here is an overview of several of the most significant types of benefits associated with Microsoft Exchange!

Automated Protection

You are likely quite busy running your business and may not always have time to think about whether you are taking the latest steps to protect your servers, especially as updates are released more quickly than you can keep track of them and may, at times, come with problems of their own. Microsoft Exchange’s On-Premises Mitigation Tool and Emergency Mitigation services automatically apply the most appropriate types of mitigations to known bugs until a security update is available to more broadly address the problem.

Protect Sensitive Data

Your company’s sensitive data, as well as that of your customers, has always been vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and cyber security threats, but the amount of damage that can be done to your company as a result of these potential threats has significantly increased in recent years. The level of sensitive data that your company stores digitally has likely increased steadily alongside the number of tasks you handle online over the past decade and exponentially in the past year and a half, and Adding Microsoft Exchange to your company’s cyber security toolbox is just one of many steps you can take to increase your ability to adequately secure your data to protect your company and your customers.

Organize Your Data

Keeping track of your data is also essential when it comes to keeping it secure. It can be difficult to know for sure that all of your data and digital assets are adequately protected if you store them in multiple places and are not sure of where a particular piece of information is at any given time, and Microsoft Exchange includes a variety of options for archiving and storing your important emails to avoid inadvertently losing access to important information.

Can Be Disabled

Unlike many updates and other changes to Microsoft, you have some control over when or if you want to run Microsoft Exchange, at least for the time being, which automatically makes it more appealing than many of Microsoft’s other new releases. This is particularly true because Microsoft has admitted that its mitigations may negatively interfere with the functionality of your server at times, especially since it is new and yet to be fine-tuned. If you are not interested in running Microsoft Exchange at this time or you start using it and would prefer not to continue doing so, you can disable the service to prevent it from automatically making changes to your server.

At BC Networks, we prioritize helping our clients find innovative ways to deal with modern security threats. Although your increased reliance on technology has likely led to a spike in the amount of damage that a data breach or other cyber attack is capable of doing to your company, you can also rest assured that major tech companies are taking steps to develop new options for protecting your devices and programs from a wide variety of emerging cyber threats of increasing intensity. We are committed to keeping our client base informed about the capabilities of Microsoft Exchange and other emerging technology that can better protect your company data and digital investments. Contact us today to learn more about how Microsoft Exchange can benefit your business or for any other assistance you need with Microsoft security, networking, or other support!

Dave Brewer

Dave Brewer

When it comes to IT services and solutions, it's crucial to have a knowledgeable and passionate partner who can help clients achieve sustainable growth using proven IT solutions. Our CEO, Dave, is deeply committed to assisting clients in enhancing their technology to gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries. At BC Networks, Dave Brewer leads a team of dedicated professionals who are focused on delivering outstanding IT services and solutions. With his vast expertise and practical experience, Dave ensures that clients receive top-notch support and guidance for their IT initiatives. You can rely on BC Networks to elevate your business systems and stay ahead in today's fiercely competitive business environment.